Support ministry leaders investing in the next generation!
By investing in One Voice you are participating in our mission to equip churches to make disciples through teaching materials, trainings, resources, and support they need as they uniting all generations and build the Kingdom.
One Voice is a part of Alive Christian Fellowship which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. When you donate to support One Voice, your donation will go to Alive Church (Alive Christian Fellowship). Your donation will only go to One Voice to support development of materials.
Where does my donation go?
When you donate, your gift will go to Alive Church in support of One Voice. Please note, your receipt will come from Alive Church. One Voice is a part of Alive Christian Fellowship which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donation will only go to One Voice to support development of materials.
Is my donation tax deductible?
One Voice is a part of Alive Christian Fellowship which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. You'll receive it upon successful completion of your donation. Please note, your receipt will come from Alive Church.
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