Focusing on the character of Christ is not the easiest thing for us to do and we won’t be like Him until we see Him face to face. But we can reflect His character while on Earth.
Series Outline:
Part 1:
We all have gifts and talents, but did you know that The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts when we become followers of Jesus? This week we’re kicking off our series “Are We There Yet?” by looking at our spiritual gifts.
Part 2:
We all know the famous image of our nose growing every time we lie. Even though that’s not true, being dishonest does affect us. We’ll see you this weekend as we focus on living in honesty and integrity.
Part 3:
When was the last time you had to forgive someone? Was it an easy thing for you to say, “I forgive you”? Did you even say those words? Join us this weekend as we look at how to reflect the character of Christ through forgiveness.
Part 4:
Are you tired? Finding it difficult to keep moving forward? We all feel that at different times in our life. This week we’re focusing on Jesus’ characteristic of perseverance.
Part 5:
David versus Goliath is an incredible and true story, but how does that apply to our lives today? Join us this weekend as we learn courage from David.
Series Includes:
- All content for Youth
- Weekly Teaching Videos
- Weekly Scripts for Live Teachings
- Weekly Classroom Guides
- Talk Notes
- Weekly Printable Activities
- Weekly Take Home Activities
- Weekly Parent Emails
- Weekly Midweek Guides
- Game Instructions
- Weekly Small Group Questions
- Game Slides and Motions
- Series Artwork + Screen Graphics
- Series Motion
- Social Media Posts
- Weekly Devotional for Adults, Youth, and Kids that align and are age-appropriate