Series Overview:The church isn’t a building – it’s people. We belong together as the church, and we are called to help others belong. When we live this out every day, not only are we loving others, but we’re also building the Kingdom of God!Series Outline:Part 1:We all know what it feels like to be lonely. When we belong to the church, we have fellowship with God and with each other. And that fellowship is a powerful thing. Find out what it means to belong to the church this weekend. Part 2:Being the church doesn’t mean we go to church once a week. Being the church is a part of who we are every day. Join us this weekend as we discover how we can always be the church!Part 3:Do you have a clear understanding of God’s call or purpose for your life? Do you understand what you need to do to have clarity and how to live in that purpose? This weekend we’re looking at what it means to be called by God. Part 4: When we are not united with other believers in the church, it can damage our ability to reach out and connect with others.In order to effectively share the gospel, we need to be part of a community that supports and encourages one another. Come and see how your faith can help others belong.
Series Includes:
- All content for Youth
- Weekly Teaching Videos
- Weekly Scripts for Live Teachings
- Weekly Classroom Guides
- Talk Notes
- Weekly Printable Activities
- Weekly Take Home Activities
- Weekly Parent Emails
- Weekly Midweek Guides
- Game Instructions
- Weekly Small Group Questions
- Game Slides and Motions
- Series Artwork + Screen Graphics
- Series Motion
- Social Media Posts
- Weekly Devotional for Adults, Youth, and Kids that align and are age-appropriate