We’re all motivated by a lot of things in life, but are we intentional with what we’re allowing to motivate us? We want the Holy Spirit to motivate us and produce good fruit in our lives.
Series Includes:
- Weekly Customizable Notes
- Weekly Sermon Starters
- Weekly Extra Study Material
- Weekly Small Group Guides
- Weekly PowerPoint
- Worship Song Suggestions
- Series Artwork + Screen Graphics
- Series Bumper
- Social Media Posts
- Weekly Devotional for Adults, Youth, and Kids that align and are age-appropriate
Series Outline:
Part 1:
When you put love first, love God, and love others, vertical and horizontal, it changes everything. It makes you more caring and forgiving, and it makes your relationships with others stronger. When you are motivated by love, it's easier to do what is right, even when it's not easy. Join us this week as we learn how to love God and love others.
Part 2:
People are drawn to those who live in joy. Our ability or tenacity to live in this fruit of the Spirit affects everyone and everything around us. So how do we continually have joy?
Part 3:
We all have an innate desire for peace of mind and heart, and it is the fruit that The Holy Spirit produces in us when we let Jesus lead, look for His provision, and live in faith totally and completely trusting Him. This weekend we will explore how to live in the peace that Jesus brings.
Part 4:
When was the last time you were truly patient with someone? When did you experience patience from someone else? This weekend we will explore how we can have patience from the Holy Spirit in every situation.
Part 5:
Kindness is good and it’s something we all desire. But what does the Bible have to say about kindness? Does our culture think the Church values kindness? Join us as we discover what it means to show God’s kindness to others.
Part 6:
What does goodness even mean? Our teaching this week reflects the reality of what it means to be Motivated by the Holy Spirit, to live empowered by Him, and to demonstrate and reflect the character of Jesus. Let’s discover how we can live in goodness.
Part 7:
God is faithful. God wants us to be faithful. Faithfulness, as a Fruit of the Spirit, is a characteristic of God that we are empowered to deploy if we will respond to the Spirit’s Motivation to do so! Let’s begin living in faithfulness – join us this weekend!
Part 8:
What do you think of when you think of gentleness? Puppies? Babies? Do you think of people needing gentleness? God wants us to use the fruit of gentleness in our lives to transform the world around us. Let's learn to use the power of gentleness for good in this world!
Part 9:
Do you remember playing with remote-controlled cars growing up? They have no self-control. And sometimes, we don’t have self-control either. The fruit of the Spirit living in and through us is how we live the way God intended us to live instead of living in our selfish sinful desires. Join us this week as we discover how to have self-control.