As Followers of Jesus, we are more than just members of the same organization. We are members of the same family! That is who we are meant to be.
Series Outline:
Part 1:
What does it mean to be a child of God and how do we announce that to those around us? Why should we announce that to others? Join us this week as we look at the importance of Baptism and start our new series “Who We’re Meant to Be”!
Part 2:
Why is communion only for believers and why do we even take it? This week we’ll talk about the significance behind communion and how it reminds us that we are children of God!
Part 3:
The Church is important! It’s Who We’re Meant To Be! Jesus even prayed for us! Come and see how being a part of the church shows that we are children of God.
Series Includes:
- All content for Youth
- Weekly Teaching Videos
- Weekly Scripts for Live Teachings
- Weekly Classroom Guides
- Talk Notes
- Weekly Printable Activities
- Weekly Take Home Activities
- Weekly Parent Emails
- Weekly Midweek Guides
- Game Instructions
- Weekly Small Group Questions
- Game Slides and Motions
- Series Artwork + Screen Graphics
- Series Motion
- Social Media Posts
- Weekly Devotional for Adults, Youth, and Kids that align and are age-appropriate