Series Overview:
Do you feel that your life is too messy for God? He wants you to know that there is a plan and purpose for your life, and He will use our mistakes and story. He has always been with you your entire life, it’s up to you when you recognize Him in your story.
Series Outline:
Part 1:
Have you ever felt like God can’t use you because you’re not good enough, skilled enough, or trained enough? This week, join us as we focus on how God has chosen each of us for a unique purpose and plan.
Part 2:
Everyone spends eternity somewhere – Heaven or hell. We have a choice. We can accept His forgiveness and freedom from punishment or choose to be separated from Him for eternity. We’ll be focusing on how God’s power can set us free this weekend.
Part 3:
We all have obstacles in our life that keep us from living in the purpose and plan that God has for us. Join us as we dive into overcoming these obstacles through trusting God.
Part 4:
Are the 10 commandments outdated or are they even relevant? What difference does living out these commandments make in my life? Can’t I just make my own standard for living life? This weekend we’re diving into the 10 commandments and their relevance today.
Part 5:
We all make mistakes and we all sin. Does that mean we’re going to allow our past and mistakes to hold us back from living in the plan that God designed for us? Join us this week as we learn to glorify God in every part of our life.
Series Includes:
- All content for Youth
- Weekly Teaching Videos
- Weekly Scripts for Live Teachings
- Weekly Classroom Guides
- Talk Notes
- Weekly Printable Activities
- Weekly Take Home Activities
- Weekly Parent Emails
- Weekly Midweek Guides
- Game Instructions
- Weekly Small Group Questions
- Game Slides and Motions
- Series Artwork + Screen Graphics
- Series Motion
- Social Media Posts
- Weekly Devotional for Adults, Youth, and Kids that align and are age-appropriate